Monday, 18 October 2021

Fish for injured cats

  Cats can eat a lot of foods that humans can including fish. While it's not safe to give your cat lots of human foods without consulting your veterinarian, most veterinarians will agree that fish is a good option for cats at almost every stage of life.

Fish supplies cats with essential amino acids that they need to survive. Fish helps to build up their joints and ensure that your cat's brain is working properly.

Oily fish is especially good for your cat. Consider feeding them fish such as mackerel and tuna.


Liquid meal replacement for cats  

Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Treating red paw pads in cats

  An antifungal cream for dog's paws can be used to alleviate itching. If your dog or your cat has a fungal skin infection on their paw, it can cause the skin between their toes to itch.

Dogs and cats with fungal infections on their paw may also have redness on the underside of their paw. This redness and itching can be treated with Clotrimazole cream or another antifungal cream.

Always apply antifungal cream for cats and dogs for the time that your veterinarian recommends. If you stop early, you may not get rid of the fungus.


Liquid meal replacement for senior cats  

Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Monday, 4 October 2021

Can Mirtazapine help cats?

  Mirtazapine is a drug that's used to stimulate a cat's appetite. If your cat is sick and won't eat, your veterinarian may suggest that you use Mirtazapine after you've tried other methods.

Mirtazapine is applied to your cat's coat. This transdermal medication was originally developed for nausea but has been approved by the FDA to treat cats with a poor appetite.